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Docker & Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

"The purpose of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program is to provide assurance that CKAs have the skills, knowledge, and competency to perform the responsibilities of Kubernetes administrators."

New Batch Starting In
Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Target Audience

  • System Administrators
  • DevOps Professionals
  • Application Developers
  • Kubernetes administrators,
  • cloud administrators
  • Other IT professionals who manage Kubernetes instances.

Exam Overview

Certification Name

Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Exam Duration

120 Minutes

Passing Score


Certification Exam Code


Number of Questions


Exam fee


Exam Languages

English,Japanese ,Korean and Simplified Chinese

Exam Format

Multiple Type. Multiple Answer Type Exam


3 years

Course Curriculum

  • Course Introduction
  • Certification
  • Certification Details
  • Introducing Docker
  • Comparing VM and Docker
  • Docker –An Architectural overview
  • The Docker Hub A brief Introduction
  • Preparing docker-machine – Installation and configuration
  • Start containerizing
  • Play with docker images
  • Customizing container on your own
  • Running Container with Docker – commands
  • Port forwarding with docker container
  • Exercise: Installation of docker and Image Setup
  • Exercise: Creating own Images
  • Exercise: Creating own Images
  • Exercise: Exposing Container Ports to the Host and test it
  • Dockerfile Directives
  • USER and RUN
  • RUN Order of Execution
  • ENV
  • CMD vs. RUN
  • Docker Container Volume Management – An introduction
  • Docker Networking concepts
  • List and Inspect
  • Create and Remove
  • Assign to Containers
  • Exercise: Creating a Custom Image from a Dockerfile
  • Exercise: Managing Containers
  • Exercise: Adding External Content to Containers
  • Inspect Container Processes
  • Previous Container Management
  • Controlling Port Exposure on Containers
  • Naming Our Containers
  • Docker Events
  • Managing and Removing Base Images
  • Saving and Loading Docker Images
  • Image History
  • Taking Control of Our Tags
  • Pushing to Docker Hub
  • Exercise: Base Image Maintenance and Cleanup
  • Exercise: Advanced Container Creation at the Command Line
  • Exercise: Create a Dockerized Basic Web Server
  • Continuous Integration for Docker
  • Networking Overview
  • The Default Network
  • Isolating Containers
  • Aliases & Container Names
  • Links
  • How Updates Affect Networking
  • Using External Networks
  • Configuring Compose
  • Bringing an Environment Up
  • Changing a Running Environment
  • Taking an Environment Down
  •  Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster
  • Swarm Mode A Built-In Orchestration
  • Creating Your First Service and Scale It Locally
  • Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster
  • Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow
  • Scaling Out with Overlay Networking
  • Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App
  • Service Placement Preference
  • Node Availability
  • Core Concepts Section Introduction
  • Cluster Architecture
  • ETCD for Beginners
  • ETCD in Kubernetes
  • ETCD – Commands
  • Kube API Server
  • Kube Controller Manager
  • Kube Scheduler
  • Kubelet
  • Kube Proxy
  • PODs
  • Practice Test Introduction
  • Solution – Pods (optional) 
  • ReplicaSets
  • Practice Test – ReplicaSets
  • Deployments
  • Certification Tip!
  • Scheduling Section Introduction
  • Manual Scheduling
  • Practice Test Manual Scheduling
  • Solution: Manual Scheduling (optional)
  • Labels and Selectors
  • Practice Test Labels and Selectors
  • Solution: Labels and Selectors
  • Taints and Tolerations
  • Practice Test – Taints and Tolerations
  • Solution – Taints and Toleration (Optional)
  • Node Selectors
  • Node Affinity
  • Practice Test – Node Affinity
  • Solution – Node Affinity (Optional)
  • Taints and Tolerations vs Node Affinity
  • Resource Limits
  • Note on default resource requirements and limits
  • A quick note on editing PODs and Deployments
  • Practice Test Resource Limits
  • Solution: Resource Limits
  • Logging and Monitoring Section Introduction
  • Monitor Cluster Components
  • Practice Test Monitor Cluster Components
  • Solution: Monitor Cluster Components 
  • Managing Application Logs
  • Practice Test Managing Application Logs
  • Solution: Logging : (Optional)
  • Download Presentation Deck 3
  • Application Lifecycle Management – Section Introduction
  • Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
  • Practice Test Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
  • Solution: Rolling update
  • Configure Applications
  • Commands and Arguments in Docker
  • Commands and Arguments in Kubernetes
  • Practice Test Commands and Arguments
  • Solution – Commands and Arguments (Optional)
  • Configure Environment Variables in Applications
  • Configure ConfigMaps in Applications
  • Practice Test Env Variables
  • Solution – Env Variables (Optional)
  • Secrets
  • Practice Test Secrets
  • Solution – Secrets (Optional)
  • A note on Secrets
  • Multi Container PODs
  • Practice Test – Multi Container PODs
  • Solution – Multi Container Pods (Optional)
  • Cluster Maintenance – Section Introduction
  • OS Upgrades
  • Practice Test OS Upgrades
  • Solution – OS Upgrades (optional)
  • Kubernetes Software Versions
  • References
  • Cluster Upgrade Introduction
  • Demo – Cluster upgrade
  • Practice Test Cluster Upgrade Process
  • Solution: Cluster Upgrade Process
  • Backup and Restore Methods
    Working with ETCDCTL
  • Practice Test Backup and Restore Methods
  • Solution: Backup and Restore
  • Certification Exam Tip!
  • References
  • Download Presentation Deck 5
  • Feedback
  • Security – Section Introduction
  • Kubernetes Security Primitives
  • Authentication
  • Article on Setting up Basic Authentication
  • TLS Introduction
  • TLS Basics
  • TLS in Kubernetes
  • TLS in Kubernetes – Certificate Creation
  • lView Certificate Detais
  • Certificate Health Check Spreadsheet
  • Practice Test View Certificate Details
  • Certificates API
  • Practice Test Certificates API
  • KubeConfig
  • Practice Test KubeConfig
  • API Groups
  • Authorization 
  • Role Based Access Controls
  • Practice Test Role Based Access Controls
  • Cluster Roles
  • Storage – Section Introduction
  • Introduction to Docker Storage
  • Storage in Docker
  • Volume Driver Plugins in Docker
  • Container Storage Interface
  • Volumes
  • Persistent Volumes
  • Persistent Volume Claims
  • Using PVC in PODs
  • Practice Test Persistent Volume Claims
  • Solution – Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims (optional)
  • Storage Class
  • Practice Test – Storage Class
  • Download Presentation Deck 7
  • Feedback
  • Networking Introduction
  • Prerequisite Switching, Routing, Gateways CNI in kubernetes
  • Prerequisite DNS
  • Prerequisite – CoreDNS
  • Prerequisite Network Namespaces
  • FAQ
  • Prerequisite Docker Networking
  • Prerequisite CNI
  • Cluster Networking
  • Important Note about CNI and CKA Exam
  • Practice Test – Explore Environment
  • Solution – Explore Environment (optional)
  • Pod Networking
  • CNI in kubernetes
  • CNI weave
  • Practice Test CNI weave
  • Solution – Explore CNI Weave (optional
  • Practice Test – Deploy Network Solution
  • Solution – Deploy Network Solution (optional)
  • ipam weave
  • Design a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Choosing Kubernetes Infrastructure
  • Configure High Availability
  • ETCD in HA
  • Important Update: Kubernetes the Hard Way
  • Download Presentation Deck 9
  • Introduction to Deployment with kubeadm
  • Resources
  • Deploy with Kubeadm – Provision VMs with Vagran
  • Demo – Deployment with Kubeadm
  • Practice Test – Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm
  • Solution – Install a Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm
  •  Troubleshooting – Section Introduction
  • Application Failure
  • Practice Test Application Failure
  • Solution – Application Failure
  • Control Plane Failure
  • Practice Test Control Plane Failure
  • Solution: Control Plane Failure
  • Worker Node Failure
  • Practice Test Worker Node Failure
  • Solutions Worker Node Failure
  • Download Presentation Deck 10
  • Network Troubleshooting
  • Practice Test – Troubleshoot Network
  • Feedback

Instructor -led Kubernetes Training Live Online Class




September 2024

5.00PM -09.00PM



What is the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Certification?

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification is designed to ensure that certification holders have the skills, knowledge, and competency to perform the responsibilities of Kubernetes Administrators

What are the Responsibilities of an Administrator?

A Certified Kubernetes Administrator can set up and maintain production-grade Kubernetes clusters, as well as do basic installation. They’ll understand important concepts such Kubernetes networking, security, storage, troubleshooting, maintenance, logging and monitoring, application lifecycle, API object primitives, and determining fundamental end-user use-cases.

Is there any prerequisite for the exam?

There aren’t any mandatory prerequisites for the CKA exam.

How long will the exam take?

Candidates are allowed 2 hours to complete the CKA Exams.

What are the domains of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam?

The CKA exam is subdivided into the following major topics: Storage 10% Troubleshooting 30% Workloads & Scheduling 15% Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration 25% Services & Networking 20%

How do I renew my certification?

Candidates have the option to retake and pass the exam to renew their certification. Certification Renewal must be completed prior to the certification expiration date. The CKA renewed certification will be valid for a further 3 years effective from the date the exam is passed.

How many questions will be there in the CKA exam?

15-20 questions will be there.

What is the target audience for this exam?

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification is designed for Kubernetes administrators, cloud administrators, and other IT professionals who manage Kubernetes instances.

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